Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cover Your Ass

I swear to god man. My life. Everyday. I was just lying in bed enjoying the peace and quiet when suddenly there's a knock at the door. It's the apartment manager and some maintenance men doing a routine check of the appliances. They caught me in my nightgown. I wasn't going to open the door because I wasn't expecting anyone but then they started to open it themselves so I had to act fast. I told them I had spent the night here to get some studying done because my roomates are wild partiers. And that sometimes I come here to practice guitar because it gets on their nerves. Because you see I am technically a squatter here. Thank god either Travis didn't detect any funny business or he just doesn't give a shit. I am leaning toward him not giving a shit. Because it's so obvious. But that's awesome for me. I like people who don't give a shit. So I shut the door and nearly melted into a puddle of nerves on the floor. Then I giggled myself senseless. I think it's time to get out of bed and actually do something...

Just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you...

Jam for the Day: Territorial Pissings by Nirvana


BrianAlt said...

Cool. Life is fun, isn't it?

Nervous said...

You see why I don't answer the door? :) I know, you had no choice though. I hate when apartment people do that!

They probably didn't think anything of it though, other than "uhh, uhhmm, hot chick in her nightgown.... try to look her in the eyes, try not to stare too long... uhmmm..." etc.

Blush said...

oh i totally see why you dont answer the door...

yeah you might be right about that...i did go and put on a jacket to cover up...heh

Blush said...

nervous--its quite interesting how our lives are somehow in sync, dont you think? i cant help but believe youre my long lost soul-sister or something...

Nervous said...

I know, we've got special "N Sync" powers! Hee hee. Sorry, that was gay.

That said, I hope we're not SO much in sync that you've got cramps too!? I know, too much info, but mehh. Oh wait, does this mean I will be visited by a hot ex soon? Uh oh! :)

Anonymous said...

Alright, I want to know what's going on with the whole Joey situation. Did anything happen that you didn't write about?

Jaromir Blagr said...

Dean-o loves girltalk. Nooooosey.

Blush said...

dean-im not at liberty to say. but what do you think?

thats the fun of prose...

Anonymous said...

He porked you.

Blush said...

nice choice of words, lol

i could tell you were a gentleman.