Monday, January 23, 2006

You Can't Handle The Truth

So yesterday I was talking to the girl I work with that went to high school with my ex. She said that after I told her all that, she actually ran into him on the street. She said hello, but when she mentioned my name, she said he just made a face and looked down and walked away without saying anything. Awesome. The very mention of my name strikes fear and pain into the hearts of men. That's exactly what I was going for. I need to move away from Texas.

In other news, Jesse kissed me on the cheek yesterday. If he would have followed me to the bathroom, it would have been on. Too bad it was a totally inappropriate time. What is wrong with a girl who gets a kiss on the cheek and is ready to fuck?? Am I really that starved for affection? Good god...

Peppermint Chap-Stick is the shizzle.

Jam for the Day: Orange Crush by R.E.M.


Beth said...

Nope...nothing wrong with wanting to fuck after being kissed on the cheek.

Well, maybe there is and its something thats wrong with me too.

If he's hot makes sense

Blush said...

awesome, at least im not alone! and its not that hes so hot, its the way he looks at me...he seems hungry