the only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone when you're uncool.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Carpe Diem
I just got finished watching Dead Poets Society for the first time. I can't understand why I have never found time for this movie until now. I am a sucker for the nonconformist teacher. I also can't understand why every movie Ethan Hawke is in makes me cry. I cried because I don't believe tenderness like that shown by the boys (and men) in this movie truly exists. Or maybe not anymore. Perhaps our society has ruined us for love. With great freedom comes great carelessness. It seems that oppression breeds great love and beauty, be it through desperation. Which shall I choose? I cannot tell. The romantic's heart can be bent and torn but never broken. It can be tortured and severed but only through gross inactivity can it be destroyed. Modern carelessness via overwhelming freedom I fear will slowly suck and extract all that I know as beauty from this world. Marshall McLuhan spoke of narcosis of the mind due to reckless and free communication. If we are free to love everything--as we are in modern times--would that not thrust our heart into the same kind of narcosis our minds already experience?? If only there were some kind of balance. I long for freedom, beauty, and love, but can one person ever truly attain all of these?
i probably wouldnt mind...
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