Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Like a green persimmon

This weekend had it's ups and downs. It was a shame though that they were so extreme. Regardless, I am back at work today, and I can't believe how glad I am to be here. It can be scary out there! My best friend came down from Dallas for Labor Day. We went down to the Kemah Boardwalk, on the coast, and had a ridiculously fun time doing silly things like flirting with high school boy waiters and riding the carosel. Someday I will post some pictures. I wish I could say more about this weekend, but I am still working it out in my head. It just reminds me of this tree we used to have in our backyard at my family's home. Have you ever heard of persimmon fruit? Well I thought it was so neat that we had a real fruit tree in our yard (after moving from the city) that even though my father warned me not to eat them until they were ripe, I just couldn't wait. That is what this weekend was--bittersweet, like that green persimmon. I just hope the taste lingers. And now work is as familiar as that old tree. But at least I finally found out that I am really alive.

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