Tuesday, September 27, 2005


The decision has been made, for good or ill. Blush will now be blogging from Austin, Texas. A new chapter in my life has begun, beginning with finding a way to actually get to Austin. I am planning on being there permanently by Friday. I have kind of mixed emotions over this. I mean, I have been wanting to move to The ATX for a while, but I did not think it would be like this. Not that it would have been ideal any way it happened, heh. That is not how my life works. But I am very excited. It is time to start living life for a change...and I am finally alive. I have never been "on my own" before. So I am scared. There is so much change. New city, new job, new house, new friends, and a new life altogether. I will finally have the freedom that I so desire. I hope that I fare well. I could probably be more eloquent about this, but fuck it. These emotions are too basic and too premature to go into any real detail. Plus, I expect them to change at a moment's notice, so don't get too worked up thinking I am upset. I am like the weather in Texas: wait 5 minutes, and I'll change.

Jam for right now: Nothing Gets Crossed Out by Bright Eyes


Nervous said...

Good luck, it looks beautiful there!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. I love Austin and still have lots of friends there. If you every need anything-- suggestions, or people to bounce things off of, just give me a shout.

Im so jealous.
